Gavin Williamson's plans for schools won't restore the normality our children desperately need
The Education Secretary announced some welcome changes to Covid measures but for many pupils it is too little too late
One cheer for bubble-popping Gavin Williamson! The Education Secretary has, finally, promised to stop the madness of sending entire classes or year groups home from school off the back of just one child testing positive for Covid. In the future, pupils will be able to take daily Covid tests rather than self-isolate for 10 days.
With over 600,000 children currently stuck at home, most perfectly healthy, this can’t come a moment too soon. So why wait until July 19th? Schools break up for the summer holidays just four days later.
Children only get one chance to go to Year 10 sports day or their Year 6 leavers’ party. Keeping the self-isolation rules in place for the next fortnight will mean that hundreds of thousands of children will forgo these important rites of passage. They will miss out on learning opportunities and hanging out with their friends - despite having absolutely nothing wrong with them.
Continue reading at The Telegraph.