Why is the SNP so obsessed with teenage sex?
The Scottish government is determined to promote its views on sex and gender behind the backs of parents.
The Scottish National Party needs to have a word with itself before its unhealthy obsession with the sex lives of teenagers gets further out of hand.
This week we learned that the SNP has told Scotland’s teachers, social workers and police officers to ‘respect the privacy’ of children who engage in sexual activity. This offer of confidentiality extends to those as young as 13. It means there is no obligation on professionals to inform parents if their children are having underage sex. The new guidelines state that if professionals are confident sex is taking place ‘within a safe and mutually respectful relationship’, then a child’s ‘wishes and feelings’ should be taken into account when deciding whether to inform parents or other agencies. This effectively lowers the age of consent in Scotland. It could put vulnerable children at increased risk from adult predators and, in particular, from the kind of ‘grooming gangs’ we have seen operate around the UK, which the authorities have consistently turned a blind eye to. But the SNP is more interested in the supposed ‘risks’ of ‘outing’ LGBT young people to their parents.