Joanna Williams is currently a Visiting Fellow at Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) in Budapest. She is the author of How Woke Won (2022); Women vs Feminism (2017); Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity (2016) and Consuming Higher Education, Why Learning Can’t Be Bought (2012). She is a columnist for the online magazine Spiked and writes regularly for The Times, The Spectator and The Telegraph.
Joanna began her career teaching English in secondary schools. She joined the University of Kent as lecturer in Higher Education and Academic Practice in 2007 where she later became director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. Since leaving academia in 2019, Joanna has worked for think tanks including Policy Exchange, Civitas, Centre for Independent Studies (Australia) and MCC (Brussels).
Joanna’s most recent report for Civitas is Teachers or Parents: Who is responsible for raising the next generation?
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