Just a couple of points.

Why should 'Black History' be confined to the history of black people in Britain? Black History should be about what black people have been doing for last few thousand years in their own countries. And not merely complaining about imperialism. I want information about their literature, their scientific developments, their territorial and religious wars, and, especially, their development of the slave trade in Africa.

Another reason for the growing unpopularity of History, is that the study of History requires not only the learning of new things, but the acceptance that one was wrong about many things.

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I agree - but the problem is that at the moment almost ALL the focus is on what was wrong in the past - and very little on was good.

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I agree, as always. What I meant was that I was wrongly taught, and wrongly informed about most of our history.

Although I agree that we need to teach the right instead of always the wrong, my preference is to take right and wrong out of most of it. By doing that, we exclude blame and false ethical standards and treat History as combinations of causes which led to effects.

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Absolutely - that's a really good way of putting it!

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